HTTP Observatory Report: Score Rule Description -20 content-security-policy Content Security Policy (CSP) implemented unsafely. -10 cookies Session cookie set without the Secure flag, but transmission over HTTP prevented by HSTS. 0 x-xss-protection Deprecated X-XSS-Protection header not implemented. 0 cross-origin-resource-sharing Content is not visible via cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) files or headers. 0 redirection Initial redirection is to HTTPS on same host, final destination is HTTPS. 0 contribute Contribute.json isn't required on websites that don't belong to Mozilla. 0 strict-transport-security HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header set to a minimum of six months (15768000). 0 subresource-integrity Subresource Integrity (SRI) not implemented, but all scripts are loaded from a similar origin. 0 x-content-type-options X-Content-Type-Options header set to "nosniff". 0 x-frame-options X-Frame-Options (XFO) header set to SAMEORIGIN or DENY. 5 referrer-policy Referrer-Policy header set to "no-referrer", "same-origin", "strict-origin" or "strict-origin-when-cross-origin". Score: 70 Grade: B Full Report Url: