2024/04/29 02:31:08 [INFO] SSL Labs v2.3.0 (criteria version 2009q) 2024/04/29 02:31:08 [NOTICE] Server message: This assessment service is provided free of charge by Qualys SSL Labs, subject to our terms and conditions: https://www.ssllabs.com/about/terms.html 2024/04/29 02:31:10 [INFO] Assessment starting: https://cdrsandbox.eionet.europa.eu/ 2024/04/29 02:32:14 [INFO] Assessment complete: https://cdrsandbox.eionet.europa.eu/ (1 host in 61 seconds) A+ 2024/04/29 02:32:14 [INFO] All assessments complete; shutting down HostName:"https://cdrsandbox.eionet.europa.eu/" "":"A+" To re-run the test online, try: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=cdrsandbox.eionet.europa.eu&hideResults=on